Under The Weather Blog

Happy tales, advice and facts from pet experts and pet lovers. Enjoy our personal stories of dog rescues, crazy cat escapades and all of our lovable pet moments. Discover tips and tricks to help keep you and your pet happy and healthy.

A blender full of homemade peanut butter.

Why Do Dogs Love Peanut Butter?

Dogs and peanut butter seem to have an unbreakable bond. Just the mere sight or smell of this creamy spread is enough to send our furry friends into a state...

Why Do Dogs Love Peanut Butter?

Dogs and peanut butter seem to have an unbreakable bond. Just the mere sight or smell of this creamy spread is enough to send our furry friends into a state...

A reddish-brown dog lays on the grass.

Best Hip and Joint Supplements for Dogs: A Guide

As responsible pet owners, we must prioritize the health and well-being of our furry friends. One area of concern, especially as dogs age, is their hip and joint health. Just...

Best Hip and Joint Supplements for Dogs: A Guide

As responsible pet owners, we must prioritize the health and well-being of our furry friends. One area of concern, especially as dogs age, is their hip and joint health. Just...

A grey, black, and white cat with mouth partly open.

Understanding and Managing Cat Skin Allergies

Cat skin allergies can be a source of frustration and discomfort for both cats and their owners. If you have a cat that is suffering from skin allergies, it is...

Understanding and Managing Cat Skin Allergies

Cat skin allergies can be a source of frustration and discomfort for both cats and their owners. If you have a cat that is suffering from skin allergies, it is...

Close-up view of fresh green lettuce.

Is Lettuce Safe for Cats to Eat?

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in offering cats a variety of foods beyond their traditional diet. As cat owners become more conscious of their own food...

Is Lettuce Safe for Cats to Eat?

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in offering cats a variety of foods beyond their traditional diet. As cat owners become more conscious of their own food...

A black bowl full of almonds sits on a white surface.

Almond Butter: Can Dogs Eat It?

Almond butter has gained popularity as a healthy alternative to traditional peanut butter. But what about our furry friends? Can dogs safely enjoy the nutty goodness of almond butter? Join...

Almond Butter: Can Dogs Eat It?

Almond butter has gained popularity as a healthy alternative to traditional peanut butter. But what about our furry friends? Can dogs safely enjoy the nutty goodness of almond butter? Join...

Three slices of bacon frying in a pan.

Cats Eating Bacon: Tasty Treat or Health Hazard?

When it comes to our beloved feline friends, their nutritional needs are of utmost importance. As cat owners, we often wonder whether certain human foods are safe for our furry...

Cats Eating Bacon: Tasty Treat or Health Hazard?

When it comes to our beloved feline friends, their nutritional needs are of utmost importance. As cat owners, we often wonder whether certain human foods are safe for our furry...